Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Has the revolution just begun?

Click here, to see how!


el grillo said...

Most of the attacks on the proposal will be based on the confidence of the people who are lined up at the current public trough that very few people will have the energy to read the entire document, and will receive their misinformation from reading editorials that support large advertising campaigns and corporate marketing campaigns.

They will undoubtedly make all kinds of false claims that attempt to keep them in offices that support large contributors to their political careers. State politics is about money, not principles or ethical behavior.

For a good time, vote YES!

agnosticrat said...

Oppositions biggest mistake has, and will be the proclamation that voters are too dumb, and lazy to understand, what really is not all that complex of a proposal.
Voters will not take kindly to members of the Lansing elite telling them they are dumb.

el grillo said...

I appreciate your optimism and faith in the electorate.

There are two voters who try very hard to do their homework, and I sometimes worry about you.

el grillo said...

Changed my post to insert a link, but didn't get the pro effect of substituting "here" for the full link address.