Sunday, November 19, 2006

You are about to be hijacked!

Once again the straw man is spouting his mediocre message.
Don't take what happened in this last election seriously. According to the perveyors of "they speak", the americans, while no longer having the stomach to invest political capitol in the direction of our presidents party, have instead given a short lease to the Democrats in order to give time for the GOP to build a more acceptable facade.
I have no fight to pick with those that truely feel a centrist movement is what is needed to put our government back on track to secure us both physicaly and finacially. What I fear though is something a little more sinnister is about to befall true centrists.
Already at work to save ground in the middle, the GOP have layed groundwork to abscond with the move to the center you truely wish to see. Using an age old rally cry, they are about to talk taxes once again. Taxes are the centrists achiles heel. The soft underbelly of any switch voter is the likelyhood that they will be paid for their vote. This has been bore out to a ludicrous extent.
Wartime? Who cares? I'll vote my pocketbook.
This weeks sunday programs have already given us the likes of John McCain (the straw mans candidate) explaining how the americans are upset with the rising deficit, but could not possibly accept a "tax raise" on the top 1 percent of americans. Why?
He reasons that you, the taxpayer have already made room in your budget for the increase of wealth that this tax cut has given the likes of Bill Gates, and Donald Trump.
To take back the tax cut given to them, would most assuredly wreck the plans you have made for your future.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Listen up?

Excitement here at Agnosticrat, as I look toward the possibility of going audible!
I haven't quite nailed down the logistics, but I have been shopping for a new mic, and am looking at different methods of posting my rants. The truth is I hate typing. I never was good at it, and although I have been improving at hunt and peck, it seems to take me forever to check spelling, and you already know about my horrible sentence structure. Also I like to use sarcasm, and it really looses something when I have to type it out.
There are a lot of things that I want in the new setup, but one thing that must not change is your ability to post comments. If all else fails I will have to give an e-mail address for your response, and I would have to do a mail segment on the audio portion.
Either way this could get stupid, and I highly recommend you tune in for some laughs.