Thursday, June 08, 2006

Apathy, thy name is Agnosticrat!

Recently there has been (what could only be described as) an unplanned discussion at Westmichiganpolitics about legalization of drugs. I for the purpose of this post have decided to take that as legalization of, specifically, marijuana.
While I have heard the evidence, and read many allegories as to the disadvantages, or advantages that such a move may produce, I have as of yet not come to a conclusion either way.
It seems as though, once I fell away from daily use, I have become more apathetic toward the need for legalization.
Beyond the scientific evidence there is a more moral argument that I have not yet come to grips with. I will do away with the scientific reasoning for now. They are so wishy-washy anyway! For instance, Fish! Can you give me the definitive conclusion? Can I eat one helping? Two? They change it every three months it seems.
On moral arguments I generally go with the opinion of the people who have gotten me where I am today! No, not my parents, they don't know anything about this stuff. Besides they would have me in rehab before I could explain why I asked their opinion.
For this kind of question, one needs to go no further than his friends. What? You don't want me to pick this kind of information up on the street do you? My friends are conservative, and from what I can see somewhat retarded (hand in hand), but they sometimes give me insight as to what "the common man" as they would say believes.
The question I asked is simple. "Should marijuana be legalized?" The answers as you will see were somewhat eye opening.

friend #1: "It should be decriminalized! I really think if you just have enough for personal use you should be fined and that is it!"

friend #2: "Yeah, as long as you are over 18!"

friend #1: "Really, they should just legalize it and put a heavy tax on it!"

friend #3 "yeah!"

Pretty amazing stuff considering ten minutes ago they were bragging about how they buy their cigarettes on line from Indians in New York because they didn't want to pay the high taxes.
This brings me to a point I would like to make.
Republicans, or conservative for that matter, can justify anything as long as there is a tax on it!
Really! I am not kidding. The very people who rage against taxes every two years come November, find themselves giddy with excitement with the idea of legalization of pot, if it is taxed! Same with prostitution, and gambling. It's enough to send a poor liberal like me into a panic attack.
As far as it falling into the wrong hands? Children!
Yes, by all means keep it from them! People under the age of 18 are not equipped to handle the responsibility of drug use. They have to get jobs, and pay taxes if they are to partake in such frivolous ventures.
The truth is it is unlikely to happen. But, just because I like to be contrary, if we do legalize it, I for one would not like it to be taxed.
I don't like the idea of Indians in New York getting Michigan's pot tax dollars!


Anonymous said...

Aggie, Can I call you Aggie?

Here is my take: Legalize Marijuana but only in small amounts. You can have enough on your person for "personal consumption." I am not a pot head nor do I play one on TV, so I have no idea what said amount should be.

Here is the question.....would folks be allowed to grow their own or would we have pot farms?

Legalizing small amount for persons over the age of 18 would cut down on the number "criminals" going thru our justice system.

I know of people who use pot recreationally within their own homes and are upstanding, contributing to society, regular joe, citizens. It is a shame when thos epeople get into trouble with the law.

As far as tax dollars go, other "drugs" (alcohol, cigarettes) are taxed why shouldn't pot be? But how would one go about doing that? If we had pot farms and pot was sold in stores we could have a sales tax. If people grew their own pot it would be hard to tax. Increase the tax on rolling papers? Tax pot seeds? Just thinking out loud here.

legalizing pot would bring on all sorts of new laws....instead of OUIL's we would have OUIM's, etc.

agnosticrat said...

Oh!, my head hurts.
You are not going to keep it from teens, they practicaly invented pot for gods' sake.
Even your respectable friends, I would venture a guess, started "inhaling" before they could vote.
There are companies right now (on orders from insurance companies) that are fireing people for smoking mere ciggaretes. What would be the likelyhood that even if pot were decriminalized, or legalized, that the insurance cops would allow the hireing of a known user, even if it were "legal in small quantities"?
You've done it now.
I need an asprin.

Anonymous said...

Well, take two and don't call me. Kids get their hands on alcohol as well but it is still illegal. You have to start somewhere and why not start at voting age?

You have done it; Off on a tangent you went. Insurance companies are an entirely different ball of wax. And i don't agree with people loosing coverage that they already pay thru the nose for

agnosticrat said...

I have a minute here to reply, I don't know if you are watching this, as I have yet to enable some sort of program to watch.
The arguement from you is to legalize marijuana, and my stance on that, as I have said, is that it does not matter to me enough to have a law passed to that effect.
That being said I must commend you on the point of tangents! I use tangents to illustrate the next hurdle in your arguement.
Follow me for a minute and I feel it will be worth your time.
For marijuana to be legalized in this day and age it will have to be deemed not only useful for something, Glaucoma, Appetite inducer for chemotherapy patients and whatever else those four billion dollar studies can come up with. But it will also have to pass a test that it will not. That is the overbearing protector test. From insurance companies, to mom, and dad, who fear for little johnnys well being.
You will never, ever, ever, pass a law making something legal by saying that it will likely be used in the same manner as alchohol by teenagers.
Drop this line of arguement fast it is a deal killer.
It Bites, I know! Not fair and all of that.
Keep going though, as you have peaked my interest. And have no other comments to concern myself with.