Sunday, September 24, 2006

Let's make fun of people who don't vote.
Me first.
People who don't vote are the ones that are destroying this nation. They can't even be honest and tell you they will not vote, the pollsters have had to invent an algorithm to tell us of the people that have answered their questions how many are likely voters.
Do you think it is O.K. to shame people into voting?
If so, would you do it to someone that would likely vote for a different candidate than the one you intend on voting for?
Maybe we can bring back the I voted today pin! Or better yet a secret handshake that we can use when we meet up in our "voter" meetings just before we roam the streets and beat the crap out of non voters. Nah I'm pretty non violent. How about a secret ballot that just the voters that show up know about. It could be something like a vote that says if you vote you get to take all of the non-voters stuff. I know a couple of non-voters with some pretty cool things. I want their stuff.
If you are a non-voter,... tell me you got a plasma t.v.? I would really like one of those!
Think about it and get back to me.


el grillo said...

I voted yesterday at City Hall. I have my own private booth and they hand me a pencil. They whisper until I am done so I can concentrate. It is a big responsibility to vote for all those people who prefer to watch "How I Metcher Mutha" to being subjected to annoying debates. After all, everything a non-voter needs to know can be learned in 30-seconds on plasma TV.
I suppose that the responsibility must be even greater if you have to vote in Michigan and Wisconsin. The traffic is pretty bad unless you take the train.

agnosticrat said...

You forgot the at!

el grillo said...

agnosticrat, you have a well-behaved site. I'm tech-challenged. How do I link to westmichiganpolitics under "links"?
How do I get my old posts to hide below the "Archives"?
Sorry to use this public site, but I don't have a private way to chat. I noticed that wmp has gotten scrambled recently.

agnosticrat said...

El I have little knowledge of much of this, and have had to learn through trial and error. Nonetheless I have no problem passing on the tidbits that can help.
a link that explains fairly wellwhatyou need to look for to set up your links. I suggest you copy the code that it lists in ms word (pc) simpletext (mac) and replace the edit me with the link you are looking to add. It feels scary the first time you do it, but if you have the attention to detail I suspect you do you will be knocking out links left and right
As for the archiving, I have frequency set to monthly and post pages enabled.

el grillo said...

Unfortunately, the keyboard I am using uses some different symbols familiar to Spanish speakers, and the answers to my help questions are all in Spanish.
In another place I may fare better. I can order beer and get around on the bus. Everything else is a grand adventure. My last milkshake came as a cappuchino.

agnosticrat said...

Try adjusting your browser. In the advanced settings( under general tab in Firefox) you can choose languages web pages are displayed in) If this is too technical for you, I am sure you can get a cabana boy to show you before your next polo match.
Too bad you don't winter in Mumbai, as they offer free I.T. help with every gelato!

el grillo said...

Haven´t been to Mumbai. I have a laptop that serves as a cabana boy, but when I go online I am in one or another Internet Cafe. At this point we are drifting too fast to get used to the machinery. It costs about 30 cents for a half hour. By the time I read my mail and check out some stuff, my wife is ready to leave, so I will wait a week to get settled.