Am I the only person around here that is exactly what he says he is?
With the onslaught of those that would tell you they are moderates, and call for the destruction of the system of state government we have had all of these years. The likes of those that would say they are libertarian, yet somehow find a warm place in their hearts for the ownership of property by government bodies provided they make money. I feel as though black is white, and up is down.
I will admit my particular persuasion is made up. Agnosticrat is simply a mix of agnostic, and crat, meaning for purposes here, I question the existence of beliefs or followings. This is true, and the previous paragraph gives fuel to my confusion.
In my experience, the cow that insists upon saying "oink" is usually at least partially a pig.
There has been a lot of "oinking" going on out at Charlton Park, by people who think they are sacred cows. Unless the state-mandated Commission appoints a subordinate Charlton Park Board, very soon, we will continue to hear grunts from there from a fictitious creature, as the dishes run away with the spoons.
I'm thinking of running for Sheriff as a Democrat. When do I need to submit a petition? Is that election in 2008 or 2010?
Would it be better to run for Prosecutor? The only requirement is to be tall enough and old enough to ride the ferris wheel with a cold beer, as I understand it. Not being in the USA for 6-months each year would be my platform promise. That would reduce risk to the taxpayers by 50%.
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