Monday, May 08, 2006

Response to A Night at the Forum

The following is my response to Pol Watchers' "A Night at the Forum" post (at westmichiganpolitics) the link is now up!

Be more coherent!
There is a need to tighten up your message before even I could join your ranks.
Every time I go to the fire the senate web page I find myself snickering at the pig cartoon smoking a cigar, and I lose interest as soon as I see the "were sitting on a time bomb" header.
If you want to sell this thing you have to make the website appear as though it is more organized. No!, Don't get your blood pressure up because I have now defaced something that someone obviously has spent alot of time on. Realize that if I were tv 8, I would consider your story for one of their old "Tom Van Howe" nightcap reports after seeing such a display. This would only happen if someone didn't steal your thunder by climbing Mt. Rushmore naked! (something I strive to do one day)
Secondly, (at least for now) be godawful thankful that Larry Nienhuas didn't have the opportunity to destroy your message by broadcasting twenty people in a not so small lecture hall,with a quiet and comfortable setting.
The democratic hall would have served nicely, and it was a big mistake to not use it. Shove twenty sweaty folk in there and it would have looked much more like an old time Chataqua! Real hard working folk that have the states best interest at heart, not leisure conscious assmorons with enough clout to tap the school system into spending money for air conditioning. It would have been a plus to see dissenting public officials with sweat on their brow answering staightforward questions from the minions...and yeah , MORE MINIONS PLEASE! Hire some kids to hand out leaflets, get locals interested! advertise advertise advertise! You know some people don't read the Banner?
Thirdly, Don't expect people in the system to stand bye and allow you to tear their way of life apart. Sure there are real hard working people in the House and Senate that may like your idea, But they also know what side their bread is buttered on, and you may just be wrecking their retirement.
That is all for now. Two and a Half men is on!

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